Thirty aspiring entrepreneurs recently participated in the Global Enterprise Network’s (GEN) Entrepreneur Readiness Workshop at the end of February 2014. Participants consisted of college juniors and seniors, recent graduates, 20-30s, and several experienced practitioners who came from many different disciplines including nursing, engineering, art, history, and business backgrounds. The intense weekend consisted of Biblical foundations, case studies, team building activities, personal coaching sessions, and a cross-cultural business simulation.
Participants jumped in Friday evening with sessions that would help them become a better team member by learning about themselves and others. Bill, a recent college graduate, said, “The way I process and function is different from others, but not bad. In fact, I can add something to the business planning and team.” Throughout Saturday, participants weighed in on missional enterprise best practices, reviewed current cross-cultural businesses and the Triple Bottom Line (economic profitability, social impact, and spiritual transformation) before getting their hands dirty with the team simulation. “The workshop gave me a clear vision for being a blessing to the nations through a business… focusing on how to use my life as a living example of the Gospel.” As the weekend wrapped up on Sunday, Bill had a sense that “I could actually see this happen.” It is clear that missional enterprise is not for everyone. But missional enterprise is for those who would like to use their passions and gifting to bring the gospel to the lost and hurting of the world in a holistic way. The GEN movement has Christ as the center and the core values of excellence, continual learning, and intentional team collaboration to meet field needs. “There are other people with a heart for this out there that God is blessing with success. I am not alone in this [calling]!” The Global Enterprise Network (GEN) exists to unleash the transforming power of the gospel into the nations through an ever expanding global network of Navigator missional enterprises. The ERW is the first step in developing long-term Missional Entrepreneurs who impact the hardest places of the world for Christ through missional enterprise. It is exciting to see the passion and enthusiasm for reaching the nations through business and help launch this next generation of Missional Entrepreneurs! If you would like to explore if you “could actually see this happen,” join us October 10-12, 2014 in Colorado Springs for the next ERW. We would like to come alongside as you explore the next steps in impacting the world for Christ with your work. Contact us to join the invite list! ~ GEN Desk |
March 2020