Importance of Social Impact in Startups, according to Mitch KaporHow do we identify gap narrowing social impact solutions in our missional enterprises? Mitch Kapor presents some of his thoughts on social impact. These impact issues are complicated. There’s no simple formula about it. It pays everybody to be thoughtful about looking at the full range of impacts if they’re going to do something, and the bigger and more disruptive it is, the harder the analysis is.
The BAM Conference is a great first step to understand the vision and theology of Business as Missions and missional enterprise. The BAM Conference will bring together hundreds of business professionals and leaders from around the world to learn how to reconcile their faith and work. With the theme “Bridging the Gap”, the three-day event will close the divide between where you are now and where you want to be, and equip you to use your God-given skills to make an impact through business.
March 2020